
We believe the only hope we have in life or in death is Christ. God sent His Son for the salvation of all those who will trust Jesus alone for their salvation.

We are responsible to the Lord to take this Gospel of hope to every place on the globe, starting with our neighbors, then our county, state, and country -- and to the Nations.

Crossroads, as a church, seeks to go into the world where we live and love people with the love of Jesus, serve them, and seek an opportunity to share with them the hope we have in Christ. We gladly support more than 3,600 missionaries serving with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. These missionaries go places we can't, moving their families and putting down roots in hard places so they can bridge cultural and language barriers with the story of God's grace and mercy.

It is also our joy to support several missionaries and ministries in a direct way with monthly financial and prayer support.

  • Kevin Gregory serves North Carolina with "Man in the Mirror" men's discipleship, helping church build disciple-making and multiplying ministries among the men of their community.

  • Tony and Tola Capo and their children are natives of Albania.  Tony is from an Orthodox background and Tola was raised Muslim. They came to faith in Christ and served him for many years in Albania. They now serve through CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) among athletes at UNC Chapel Hill.  They are evangelists and disciple-makers among both scholarship and intra-mural athletes on campus.

  • Jesse and Carrie Danner are natives of North Carolina, but are called by the Lord to take the Gospel to and plant a church in New Bedford, Massachusetts.  The New England region has only 2% of its residents who are evangelical Christians.  The need is great. We joyfully commit to praying for and financially help support the Danners as they serve the Lord in New Bedford.

  • Beacon Rescue Mission is in Dunn, where they have a well-established ministry that provides emergency housing, vocational coaching, financial management training, emergency food assistance and are a faithful Gospel witness to all who come their way.  Amos Love directs the paid and volunteer staff of this important ministry.

Our involvement with Operation Christmas Child expanded this year from being a Drop-Off Center for shoe-box gifts to being a Collection Center. Through local drop-offs, we handled over 6,000 shoebox gifts and after those were placed in cartons and other drop-off centers brought their cartons, we filled 3 tractor-trailers with gifts for children around the world.  A total of more than 20,000 individual shoebox gifts were sent through Crossroads to their ultimate destinations around the globe.  Each gift is accompanied by a local-language explanation of who Jesus is and how a child and their family can trust Him for salvation.

We regularly engage in community outreach through Loving Lillington. We give food, cleaning supplies, diapers, prayer, and Bibles to several hundred local residents, as well as share the Gospel and a hot meal with them.

Periodically, we have our own members go on short-term mission trips. One family, whose roots are in Guatemala, make an annual one-month trip back home to share gifts, encouragement, and the Gospel.

Another family, members of Crossroads, have served for the last 20 years, first in East Asia, now in South Asia.  They are full-time missionaries through the International Mission Board.

Crossroads will annually give more than 10% of our income to missions -- local, regional, and global.

Our Student Ministry group will not only attend camp this summer, they will engage in a hands-on missions experience.